Huge amounts of knowledge, skill and care are sewn into every pair of Dents gloves. On Thursday 11th July, Dents HQ celebrated the working achievements of four of its employees who have continued to ensure that this remains the case.

Our, now retired, factory manager Rodney Trigger and current factory workers, Teresa Tryhorne, Sally Norris and Lily Mundy celebrated a combined total of nearly 200 years in the gloving industry last week. To mark this momentous occasion, Dents HQ received a special visit from Mr Rodney Jagelman, The Master Glover of The Worshipful Company of Glovers London, who presented each of them with their long service awards. Such incredible achievements!

(Award presention with Mr Rodney Jagelman, The Master Glover of The Worshipful Company of Glovers London).

(Award presentation with Mr Rodney Jagelman, The Master Glover of The Worshipful Company of Glovers London).

(Left to right: Teresa, Sally, Rodney, Lily)

(Left to right: Teresa, Sally, Rodney, Lily)

It was, however, a day of mixed emotions as we said goodbye to our factory manager Rodney, who has been an incredibly valuable asset of the Dents team for five years. Previously an employee of Pittards, Rodney’s knowledge of the leather industry is extensive and his personality will be missed by all. We wish him all the best in his retirement.