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'Spectacle of Curiosities'

by Danielle Lewis

6 JUNE, 2012

'Spectacle of Curiosities'

In our collection we have a glove worn by Minnie Warren. Cream/fawn leather, right hand glove with whip-stitch seams, in a contrasting brown thread. The glove has 3 tambour points, in cream and brown thread. The cuff has a separate piece of leather attached to the wrist, with a contrasting piece of dark brown leather at the wrist creating a welted effect. The cuff has a scalloped edge with dome style studs in dark brown/black.    

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Driving Gloves - A Brief History

by Danielle Lewis

14 APRIL, 2012

Driving Gloves - A Brief History

When the motorcar began to make its appearance during the 1890s, driving was a very cold occupation during winter weather, as there was no internal heating in cars until the 1930s.

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Queen Victoria & the Etiquette of Mourning

by Danielle Lewis

16 FEBRUARY, 2012

Queen Victoria & the Etiquette of Mourning

During the Victorian era, and more so after the death of Albert, Prince Consort, on 14th December 1861, the wearing of mourning dress progressed, and even became a fashion in its own right.

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Charming Limerick Gloves

by Danielle Lewis

12 JANUARY, 2012

Charming Limerick Gloves

During the late 18th Century and early 19th Century Limerick gloves, also referred to as ‘chicken skin gloves’ became a popular style of glove. Towards the early 19th Century they had a fashion about them, and ladies in society desired to be adorned in them.

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Dents Honoured by Visit from HRH The Princess Royal

by Danielle Lewis

9 DECEMBER, 2011

Dents Honoured by Visit from HRH The Princess Royal

HRH The Princess Royal honoured the company by visiting our brand new £4 million factory complex in Warminster, Wiltshire, and officially opening the new head offices with the unveiling of a plaque.    

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